Laura Rodeman (Jensen)
I have been living in Yelm, Washington for almost 5 years. We moved here when my husband, Jeff, had an Army tour of duty at Fort Lewis. Jeff retired from the military a year ago, however, we decided to stay in the "Great Northwest". We grew to love the mild winters and summers, the green trees and plentiful water, the endless wooded trails for running and the opportunities living near Seattle has to offer (we especially love going to the Mariners and Seahawk games).
Jeff and I have been married 17 years this summer. We have three children. Carlee (age 15) participates in cross-country and track, but mainly to get in shape for her favorite sport of basketball. Becca (age 13) is my quiet and shy girl but can hold her own when she is on the volleyball or basketball court. James (10) participates in football, basketball, wrestling and baseball and loves and does very well in all of them. He is currently focusing on wrestling as he is preparing to compete at the World Championships in Reno, NV. In 2005 I graduated with my masters degree in occupational therapy. I work at a hospital in Centralia, WA. I work a variety of settings (in-patient, out-patient and acute) and work with a variety of diagnosis and ages (my patient's ages have ranged from 2 to 105). I love this job!
Unfortunately, I am not able to make it to the reunion, however, I look forward to catching up with everybody via this great website.