Lisa Brown (Staley)
It hardly seems possible that we are having our 20 year reunion! We can't be that OLD, can we? Time sure flies!! I am really looking forward to seeing you at the reunion. There are so many of you that I have lost contact with. Thanks to the reunion committee, we are now able to find each other. Good work everyone!
I have been married to James Brown for the past 13 years. We have 3 wonderful, adorable boys that keep us on our toes. Hunter (7), Spencer (3 1/2), and Taylor (2). I am definately the odd one out with so many men in my house!
We live in Farmington, Utah, where we have been for the past 9 years. Before that we were in Centerville and Salt Lake City. We really love it here. After graduation, I attended Ricks College (now BYU Idaho), where I received my Associate Degree. Then I went on an LDS Mission to Helsinki, Finland. Upon my return, I attended BYU in Provo, UT. where I received my Bachelors Degree.
I worked as a Human Resource Director/Payroll Manager for a company in Salt Lake, until I had my last son 2 years ago. Now I have accepted a promotion and am the CEO of my home!! It doesn't pay as well, but the bonuses are certainly worth it!! I adore my boys, although they make me crazy some days too!! No one tells you how much work being a mom is. I wouldn't trade it for the world! I hope to see you at the reunion, but if you can't come, I would love to hear from you by phone or e-mail.
Take Care!
Lisa (Staley) Brown