Wendy McCully (Bottinger)
Hi everyone - great to read all about you. I have been married to Tom 19 years. Love him very much. Tom is a fireman for the City of Twin Falls. We have two wonderful children. Jordan - he is 14 and will be a freshman at JHS. He loves football and hunting. Jenna is 9 and loves horses. She is in Pony Club and loves jumping her pony. I work in Twin Falls at Center for Physical Rehab. I have been there 16 years and do the billing and managment. Life has been good to us and we enjoy our family and love to camp and enjoy the outdoors as much as possible. We are very involved with the kids and it's fun to see other classmates and their kids at school events and sports. I won't make it to the reunion as I am taking Jenna and 3 other girls to eastern Idaho for a riding competition on Fri and Sat. Hope you all have a wonderful time! Wendy