Brenda Scheer
Sherri has been threatening to do my profile for me, so I thought I had better get on line and complete it myself. She may try and leave out the part about me being happily married with two kids and extremely wealthy...
Actually, I teach sixth grade in Pocatello! I came to college here and never left. It may not be the most exciting town, but I have met lifelong friends here that feel like family. My life is so blessed with wonderful friends, old and new, a great job and the truth be known, my real family consists of my dog Sadee. I'm still an avid sports fan, even if I lost mascot to Guy Stubbs in high school. I support ISU even in the bad times. I also love doing all types of outdoor activities, spending time with my family and friends, and almost anything that deals with making a child's life better! Can't wait to see all of you in August!