Darrin Osborn
Currently, I live in Homedale Idaho, Raising a family of 3 children in the home, 3 children graduated, and 1 living with his mom in Nampa, Idaho. I have been maried for 12years, and have been together for 15 years. Childrens names and ages are: Andrea(20) Cortney(20) Shad(18) Jeramiah(16) Bryce(13) Jakobee(9) Korbin(8). I currently work at Allied Waste in Boise as a recycler. I also have my own bussiness known as Reliable Mobile Wash. My wife works in Meridian at Western Electronics. I have currently lived in Homedale Idaho for 14 years. Look forward to seeing everybody at the Class Reunion. Life is bussy around HERE!!!

Darrin (Ozzy) Osborn